J.K. Rowling talks about 50 Shades of Grey

Publié le par Alice

The book-seller told my mum it was a love story...
Oh yeah, a fucking love story !

,, Interviewer: You've held the record for books sold, I think it was 12 million, I think, with
Deathly Hollows, the last one.
J.K.: Really, was it?
Interviewer: But I believe, tragically, your record has been overtaken...
J.K.: ...by 50 Shades of Grey.
Interviewer: 50 Shades of Grey indeed.
J.K.: Just think how many books I could've sold if Harry had been a bit more creative with his wand... ''

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Love You JK.

Publié dans Fées d'Hiver

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J'avoue.<br /> C'est plutôt beau.<br /> xD
<br /> <br /> Elle est trop JK ;)<br /> <br /> <br /> J'avoue qu'elle le prend carrément trop bien XD<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />